Bookster Reviewers
Are you a blogger or book reviewer who has a love for Christian fiction? (Of course you are!) Would you like to be among the first to receive Chrism Press’ amazing titles when they release? (Well DUH.) Then this is the place for you!
Sign up for our Blogger/Reviewer Program, and, if approved, you’ll receive emails with information on new releases that you can choose to review. (We know, we know. You’re going to want them all. Because you have great taste. And we have great books. It’s a match made in heaven.) We offer all major e-book formats. Limited paperback review copies are available to U.S. addresses; international reviewers are welcome but will receive digital copies.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you say. “Back the train up. Approved? What does that mean?” Well, my lovely Bookster, that just means that we’re going to make sure you actually review books. This can be on your own website or blog, sure. But also on retailer or review sites like Amazon and Goodreads. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.