
In Memoriam, Kaye Park Hinckley

In Memoriam, Kaye Park Hinckley

On Saturday, May 4, Catholic Fiction lost one of its brightest lights. Kaye Park Hinckley was a prolific author of eleven books in the Southern Gothic tradition, a contributor to several anthologies, the winner of countless awards, and a woman of deep faith. She was...

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Art and the Process of Recovery

Art and the Process of Recovery

Art long has been recognized for its potential therapeutic benefits, particularly in regards to overcoming trauma and facilitating the healing process. Experience and observation show that art can help us express emotions and process difficult experiences safely and...

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Unlocking Spirituality Through Fiction Fiction isn't just escapism; it can be a sanctuary, providing insight into grace, tradition, and virtue in the modern world. Why it Matters: Amid chaos and noise, spiritually-rich fiction offers more than an escape—it offers a...

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